Nurturing Your Soul: The Power of Being Gentle with Yourself

According to Merriam-Webster the word gentle means "free from harshness, sternness, or violence."

My blog readers know that I do Crossfit.  I love the community and how supportive it is.  If we don't see someone for a while, we ask about them. We give a warm welcome to a person doing their first class.

I'm often my own worst critic. Yesterday's workout included overhead lifts and burpees. Before class, I calculated my push press targets. I hit every one during the strength portion. Still, I felt frustrated. The virtual whiteboard showed I lifted the least weight.

I knew the burpees would be tough. So, I tweaked the workout. I discussed my plan with Coach Michael. We agreed on 27 pounds for the workout. It had 40 push presses, plus 20 hang power clean and jerks. I split the 30 burpees. I did 15 burpees and 15 up-downs to keep moving. I finished in under 9 minutes. I looked at the leaderboard later. My time was okay, but I fixated on the 27 pounds. I felt like I should have done more.

I need to stop the negative self-talk and be gentle with myself.  The choices I made for yesterday's workout were based on how I felt.  I put forth my best effort and I should proud of that.

I also should remember the conversation that I had with my friend Lisa about my WHY. 

My WHY isn't about how much I lift or how fast/slow I complete a workout.  I am doing Crossfit to remain physically active.  My Dad did not remain active after he retired and his body atrophied.  He also battled with Alzheimer's and dementia.  It became too much for my Mom to take care of him so he was moved into a nursing home.  Dad wouldn't do therapy and eventually became wheelchair / bedridden meaning he couldn't even take himself to the bathroom.  This is not what I want for my life or my family and friends.

My Dad passed in 2016.  It wasn't always easy but I was gentle with him.  He was put on medication patch in early 2016 that helped him with mood, cognition, and social interactions.  The last months I had with him were some of the best.

Today's scripture came across my phone for a reason and I am grateful for that.  


Ryan Robinson Blogging Tools
Merriam Webster Online Dictionary


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