Surrounding Yourself with Supportive People: Why It Matters

According to Wake Up to the Word by Joyce Meyer, empowered is defined as "Authorized, having legal or moral right."

I'll provide some context from the devotional; Joyce writes

"The Spirit of God is great than any attack of the devil.  Don't be afraid of the enemy; be confident of the power of God in your life."

We should feel empowered to encourage one another.  We can tackle the onslaught of the enemy together!

Achieving sobriety is something that I tried alone and I don't recommend it.  While I stayed sober for a while, I thought I that could resume drinking and that I was cured of my addiction. I also found that having a community of support, is vitally important.  Helping other people whether it's commenting at a meeting, chit chat before or after a meeting helps me stay sober.  While I hope to encourage and empower the other person to stay sober, that is beyond my control.  

We've had some new folks join our Crossfit gym.  One of the newbies asked me what keeps me coming back and I said hands down it was the people.  The Steadfast family are some of the most wonderful people that I've ever met.  As first I thought I offended someone when I got a text from a coach asking why he hadn't seen me in class.  The coaches CARE about us as people and are there to offer support if you're going through a rough times outside the gym.  

I came across a great article by Lisa Masiello related to encouragement that I will link to here. If you need encouragement and empowerment, you should take a few minutes to read Lisa's article.  If you're wanting to encourage or empower someone, read Lisa's article.  She gives far more detail on how to be an encouragement as well as numerous Bible verses to reference.

Just a friendly reminder that there will not be a Sunday blog post.  Aside from my morning AA meeting, I don't have any specific plans for Sunday but I reserve Sundays for family.


Ryan Robinson Blogging Tools

Wake Up to the Word by Joyce Meyer

Lisa Masiello


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