How Faith Can Help You Overcome Driving Jitters
After years of channeling my inner Danica Patrick driving I-71 to see my parents in Ashland combined with construction everywhere, I look for roads less traveled.
The downside to the roads less traveled are that some of those back roads can have heavy deer populations. I see this with my route to and from work as well as my route to and from Lewis Center on Sundays. Before these drives, I say "Jesus, take the wheel and protect me on this drive." I really do try to have faith over fear when I drive but it is hard. I certainly cannot control other drivers around me nor can I control if a deer or five decide to prance across the road in front of me.
While I cannot control other drivers, I can control how I react to them. On a recent drive home from the OH-TECH office, there was a driver that was riding bumpers and cutting in and out of traffic. Needless to say, I was happy when she turned off and was no longer the the path I was traveling! When I see someone driving crazy, not only do I pray but I use my sense of humor and say "That person must really have to poop." You're probably thinking, that's gross but it is something humans must do. Why, Jodi, why? There were times when my son would drive home from college for the weekend. He would pull in the driveway, unlock the door and run in the house stating that he had to poop.
Several years ago, I was traveling to a Woodruff reunion and as I got on I-70, a flew past me on a motorcycle and proceeded to pop a wheelie and ride that wheelie in and out of traffic until I could no longer see them. This is an example of stupidity or ego and not someone who might need to use the restroom.
I won't talk about winter weather driving here. I hate it and it scares me tremendously. I definitely leverage the ability to work remotely whenever possible during the winter months. My director and manager both know my discomfort with driving in winter weather and have been understanding. In the winter, the half mile drive to the gym can feel like 10 miles.
Please pray for me as I work on developing my FAITH over FEAR related to driving.
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