God is with you in Troubled Times
God is with you in Times of Trouble
We all go through challenges or trouble in our lives. You might feel like there is no way to escape. I know because I've been tough times and God has gotten me through them.In 2015 and 2016, I lost both of my parents. My Mom's passing in 2015 was completely unexpected because she was active and seemed to be healthy when I visited her. Since her passing was completely unexpected, I was not prepared when I suddenly became my Dad's power of attorney.
God put amazing people in my life who helped me.
The financial planner Mom & I met to get Medicaid assistance when my Dad moved into a nursing home recommended an elder law attorney. That attorney was a Godsend in dealing with Medicaid.
The attorney who created my parents' will happened to have a son in real estate. He assessed the house and the contents which were put up for auction a few months after my Mom's passing. He also worked with my elder law attorney when Medicaid balked over sale price of the house.
Of course, there was an outpouring of support from family and friends. Many of those same family and friends plus new friends have supported me in different challenges or troubles.
Please pray and trust that He is with you no matter what you're going through.
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