The Heartwarming Martha & Mary Story: A Husband and Wife's Journey
In Luke 10:38-42, Jesus visits the home of Martha, Mary, and their brother Lazarus. While Martha bustles around preparing food for their guest, Mary sits at Jesus’ feet, listening to him. When Martha complains that she’s doing all the work, Jesus says, “Martha, Martha, you are worried and bothered about so many things; but only one thing is necessary, for Mary has chosen the good part, which shall not be taken away from her” (Luke 10:42).I'm a Martha and always have been. I guess it's the project manager in me. My husband is more like Mary although he's not sitting at the feet of Jesus. Like Martha, I see tasks all around that need to be done like mowing the grass or attending to our dead SUV which was recently hit as it's parked on the street (double whammy). From my view, Jon wears scout clouded glasses and that's the only thing he sees. While I respect he has many responsiblities as Grand PuBa of the local OA lodage,I need his help, too. Technically, I can mow the grass although I don't do it to Jon's specifications. As for the dead SUV, I don't own it or have title for it so calling someone to haul it away is not something I can do. I hope you will forgive me looking at Martha and Mary outside of the Biblical or scriptural context but this scripture has been on my mind all week so I decided to write about it. If you have the time, I encourage you to read the full article by Joel Stucki on Martha and Mary. It helped me understand better see how we need people who are like each Martha and Mary (or Jon and Jodi) in our society. Image of Jon and I from the day we adopted our cat Patty.
Note: The quoted text at the beginning is from the linked article by Joel Stucki at
Additional article on this topic from Newbreak Church
Updated title generated by Junia
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