How to Balance CrossFit, Cleaning, and Quality Time on Saturdays

Good Saturday Morning! I'm typing this blog from my tablet that has an attached keyboard. This setup is intended to replace my aged personal laptop that is better suited for a boat anchor than blogging. I started off my Saturday morning at Crossfit with my Steadfast family. I did the partner workout option with my friend and neighbor Jeanine - 270 wall balls and 170 pullups. We completed our scaled version in 19:31 and took a 200m walk afterward. Always nice to get a good sweat on first thing in the morning!

After getting home from Crossfit I tackled the goal I'd set earlier in the week of cleaning our master suite. Our furniture gathers dust like stationary stones gather moss. Several rags and Swiffers later, I declared my effort between the bedroom and bathroom "good enough" and moved on to my usual Saturday chore of laundry. It's a two load Saturday this week. After I finish this blog post, I will be moving on to my favorite part of the day which is spending time with my cat Patty and pizza for lunch. In several surveys I've taken recently, I was asked to describe my idea of a perfect weekend. Sleeping in a bit, Crossfit, seeing friends, and napping with cat are among my favorite things. 

I'm not sure if I'll be posting on Sunday. After the Lewis Center Women's Freedom meeting, I'm going to brunch with friends. When I get home, my husband and son should be home soon. My son came in for an OA event and has a couple days break from college. I know we're planning a family dinner for Sunday night after our son's fiancee gets home from work. I hope you have a wonderful weekend!



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