Vacation Day to catch up and slow down
I took a vacation day from my full-time job to spend time with my son Jon before he heads back to BG.
I'm also using the day to catch up on stuff and to move at a slower pace. My work alarm goes off at 6 AM but I shut it off and laid in bed for a while since I wasn't in a hurry to get up.
I am guilty of hurrying when it's not necessary. On days that I need to go into the Columbus office, I rush through my morning triage and hurry out the door and I'm usually at the office around 8 AM. While the quiet before others arrive is nice, the stress of hurrying is unnecessary.
I've also found myself sometimes hurrying or rushing through my morning prayer time. This is the LAST thing I should be rushing through. If I rush through my morning prayer time, I sometimes find I feel harried throughout the rest of my day.
I pray that you have an opportunity to slow down and not be hurried today.
Images from Grateful Living and the YouVersion Bible App.
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