Wardrobe Update from Stitch Fix

I am blessed and grateful to have food, shelter, and clothing.  However, my style was in need of some updating. I got into a bad habit of wearing "gym clothes" all of the time and, frankly, I sometimes go out looking like a slob. I dressed a little better earlier in the week but after Crossfit, I threw on a pair of stretched out leggings, an oversized long sleeve shirt, and an OSU fleece vest.

I had someone ask me a long time ago if I have any clothes that don't say Jonathan Alder (our school district), Bowling Green (where my son goes to college), or Steadfast (the CrossFit gym).  Yes, I do and sometimes, I dust them off and wear them although they're probably hand me down flannels from my husband or son, a pair of stretched out jeggings or something I found on clearance at Walmart or on Amazon.

I saw an ad for Stitch Fix while watching YouTube and decided to I would give them a try.  I took a style quiz and also indicated what types of pieces I'd like to receive.  While I admit I need an update, I don't care for dresses and scarves and I don't need to add to our excessive outwear collection.

My Stitch Fix order arrived today and I was actually excited to open the box!  I like all of the pieces that were sent to me.  I will admit that I might not have picked a few of the items if I'd gone shopping on my own so I will say having a stylist pick things out forces me out of my comfort zone a wee bit.  All of the items fit including a pair of jeans - actual jeans, not No Nonsense Jeggings ordered from Amazon.  

In addition to the jeans, I got a cardigan, a sweater with button details, a floral blouse, and a cozy, nice looking hoodie unlike the hoodies in my closet emblazoned with college logos or cheap hoodies with harsh metal zippers. 

I like this pairing of the floral blouse with the cardigan.  It looks great with the jeans or I can wear it with a pair of the black twill jeggings in my closet.

I am not sponsored by Stitch Fix, however, I am so happy with my new clothes that I wanted to share a referral link for anyone who might want to try it out.

Being someone used to shopping at Walmart clearance racks, I admit to having a bit of sticker shock.  I did get a discount for my first order and all five pieces cost me around $182. I currently have my account setup so that I received "fixes" every three months but I can pause my membership if it gets too expensive or if I simply accumulate too much clothing.  I keep a basket in my closet for items to donate and I've already purged a few items.

I have an abundance of clothes and some would argue that I didn't need to order anything from Stitch Fix.  I can't disagree.  However, my wardrobe was in a slump and I needed some help.  Items I purge will be donated to those who need them.



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