Finding Strength in Failure: Real-Life Examples


Proverbs 24:16 CEV
Raise your hand if you ever failed. Since I cannot see you through my blog, I trust that you actually raised your hand or nodded in agreement.😀

Failure can feel overwhelming, but it often teaches valuable lessons. When we fail, we can see what doesn’t work and why. This insight helps us adjust our plans and try again. Many successful people faced setbacks before reaching their goals. Instead of letting failure define us, we can use it as a stepping stone to improve. Embracing failure helps us build resilience and understand that it's part of the journey toward success.

Failure is defined as "An event that does not accomplish its intended purpose" according to Joyce Meyer's Wake Up to the Word.

My son has been home for a long weekend.  I felt compelled to cook for my 21-year-old "baby boy."  Yes, I'm excited to have him here and I wanted to show my love by cooking although I'm not the best at it.

For Saturday night's dinner, I made mini meatloaves, mashed potatoes, brown gravy, and corn with a Kroger apple pie and whipped topping for dessert.  My meatloaf is a blend of ground beef and sausage, assorted spices, and a drizzle of ketchup on top. I should have skipped the steak seasoning as it made the meatloaves a bit salty.

On Sunday morning, I made breakfast so we could all eat together before my son's fiancee Rylee headed off to work.  I baked brown sugar bacon, a tube of Pillsbury Cinnamon rolls, and mixed up protein pancake batter.  The protein pancake batter called for an egg but I skipped it because Rylee has an egg allergy.  The pancakes were dry instead of moist and fluffy.  I guess the egg had a vital role to play!

At Crossfit on Saturday, my friend Jessie and I partnered up for a cardio working of rowing and biking. The assault bike has always challenged me.  We gave it everything we had for 40 minutes but did not finish the workout as prescribed.  We got 15 bike calories into the last 100 calories.  

The three situations were not complete failures.  Although salty, the meatloaf everyone agreed the overall flavor was good.  We all agreed the pancakes were off and I decided that I will leave the pancakes to my husband next time.  As for the workout, we showed up and we gave our full effort.

We all might stumble or fall as we go through life.  Rather than giving up, we need to pick ourselves up, dust ourselves off, and try again.  


Joyce Meyer  Wake Up to the Word


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