Why Treating Your Body Like a Temple Matters


1 Corinthians 6:19
I thought of this topic as my husband and I both have medical appointments this week.  It is Jon's first colonoscopy; the joys of entering into the 50s. 😊  My gynecologist ordered bloodwork after I contacted her last week to update her on the first month of my menopause journey.  We will see what the bloodwork says about my lethargy, reduced endurance, itchy ears, and apron belly.  The term "apron belly" was coined because women used to wear aprons that would cover their belly below the waist.  

My body is a temple of the Holy Spirit?  What on Earth does that mean?  I did some research to help me understand the concept.

Jesus died for our sins and with his death,  we waive the right to give our bodies to sin such as drunkenness, sexual immorality or other fleshly temptations.  His blood made us clean and we should live clean and pure as we have God's Spirit within us.

In the resources section, I'll link to the article from Crosswalk so can read the detailed five steps to treat our bodies as temples and honor God.

1. Avoid Temptation - Do not put yourself in a situation that might cause you to give into temptation.  

2.  Sabbath Weekly - Take one day a week to rest and trust that God will provide.  For me, I take Sundays to rest and often this day is spent with family.

Hebrews 4:16
3.  Take care of your body.  Do your best to eat nourishing food, exercise, and rest, both mind and body.

4.  See your body as a gift.  Accept the body that God has given you which might include gray hairs and wrinkles.  I know I really dislike the apron belly that is part of menopause.  In working with my doctor, I hope to reduce the belly over time.

5.  Remove the junk from the temple.  If you're tempted by alcohol or tobacco, don't keep those products in your home. I try to keep junk food at a minimum but I live with others who like foods that I find tempting. I do my best to avoid them or enjoy them sparingly.

Taking care of our bodies can be challenging but we don't have to do it alone. Ask God for his help.  Ask Him to help you avoid tempting food or drink.  If worry keeps you from resting, talk with God about your concerns so he can guide you through them. I talk with God a lot about my menopause journey.  He knows my concerns and He is helping me through them. 

Let God help you care for the temple of the Holy Spirit that was given to you.


"Your Body is a Temple" by Crosswalk

Ryan Robinson Blogging Tools


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