How to Find Hope When Life Feels Hard

Matthew 21:42

Amazing describes something that makes us feel wonder or admiration. It can be a beautiful view, a great show, or a surprising act of kindness. When we experience something amazing, it often leaves us in awe and motivates us to share it with others. This feeling brings people together and creates joy and excitement. Whether it’s a natural wonder, a work of art, or a personal success, amazing moments stand out and can change our perspective on the world.

Amazing means something causes wonder, joy, or even confusion. My husband might say I cause him confusion now and then! I think he still finds me wonderful, though. It is true that what is amazing can also be a bit puzzling.

Each of us is made to be amazing. We all have the potential for greatness. If people say you are not amazing, they are wrong. Do not let their doubt become your own. You have unique gifts that make you special. Believe in your potential. Never let anyone steal your joy. Do not let their words hold you back. You are here for a reason.

"I am loved, valuable, precious, talented, gifted, capable, powerful, wise, and redeemed through Christ."

The last item in the list above, being redeemed through Christ, is amazing in and of itself. 

Psalm 107:2

Being redeemed through Christ means experiencing deep forgiveness and a chance to start anew by embracing His unconditional love and the sacrifice He made for all. This journey of redemption is a powerful reminder that, regardless of the mistakes we have made in the past, we can find a renewed sense of purpose in our lives. This transformation offers hope and healing, allowing us to move beyond our failures and the burdens they bring.

When we place our faith in Christ, we become transformed individuals, liberated from the guilt and shame that often hold us back. We begin to see ourselves in a new light, one that reflects our worth and value as children of God. This redemption invites us to walk a path that is infused with meaning and connection to our Creator.

Living in this state of redemption gives us the strength to face life's challenges with joy. We are reminded that we are not alone and that we are accepted for who we are. Each day becomes an opportunity to experience love, purpose, and a lasting relationship with God. In this new life, we can thrive, knowing we are valued and cherished as part of a greater plan.


Joyce Meyer's Wake Up to the Word - Definition and quoted text

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YouVersion - Scripture Images


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