Notice: Fewer New Blog Posts Later in December

Seasons Greetings Santini Serenity Readers!

I wanted to let everyone know that there will likely be fewer new blog posts later this month of December so that I can be present with my family during the Christmas and the New Year's holidays.  My husband's birthday is New Year's Eve so there is a bonus celebration for us.  

I am working during the last 2 weeks of December with a three employer holidays during that time.  Ideally, work will be slow so I might be able to sneak in some writing. Providing content to my readers is important but I believe all of you can appreciate the importance of family and will likely be spending time with loved ones as well.

Thank you again for reading my blog.  I appreciate all of you.

I wish you and yours all the best this Holiday Season!

May God Bless and Keep You Safe,



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