Strive to Lead a Content, Humble, and Shameless Life


Content means to be satisfied.  As human beings, are we really ever satisfied with what we have and/or who we are?

I know I can become discontent when I compare myself to others occasionally with a side dish of envy.  Yikes!!  The very place I go to work out stress can sometimes be the source of my discontent and that is the GYM!  I am not blaming the gym or any of my gym friends - this is ALL on me.

Our gym uses Wodify for class reservations and workout tracking.  After we complete a Crossfit class, we're encouraged to enter our stats into Wodify.  This is especially helpful when it comes to retest benchmarks.  You can read how I tanked on my latest retest of Jackie in this post. When we do weightlifting cycles, we can look back at our stats so we know how much we should lift at the next class.

I work in tech. Most days I look at stats. The stats show blocked bad guys on our web app. I love stats. My Crossfit stats are great, until I compare myself to others.

I check the Crossfit leaderboards often. I try to like everyone's posts. It's my way to give a little support. But, I also start comparing myself to my friends. I see their times and weights. I think, "I'm way slower than them." Or, "I'm last again. Only 42# pounds? Ugh." It's easy to feel bad when you see others excel. Even when you know it's just for fun.

Thankfully, I am able to snap myself out of it fairly quickly.  I am a 51 year old woman who waited until my son graduated high school to start Crossfit. I remind myself to Run Your Own Race.

My back squat weights are lighter now. Coach Michael wants me to focus on squat depth. It turns out squat depth beats squat weight. Good squat form will help me as I get older. Think about sitting on the toilet. Squatting is what you do. Sorry if that is too much information. I saw my Dad lose the ability to go to the bathroom himself as he aged. It was not fun for him. It was not fun for me. I do not want to wear a diaper when I get old! I will do what it takes to stay strong. I will do deep squats.

I am blessed to be able to workout with so many talented Crossfit athletes.  I might never lift as much or move as fast but each time I go into class, I do my best with my God given abilities.  There is no shame in that even on days that a workout doesn't go so well.


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