Finding Strength: How to Pray When You're Tired

In the devotional f rom Joyce Meyer's devotional Wake Up to the Word for November 7th, Joyce encourages us to spend time with God in prayer.  Take a few minutes, find a quite space and talk with God.  Do not keep the stress, heartache....whatever it is that you are feeling to yourself.  God wants you to talk to Him so that he can help you.

For those who regularly read my blog, it is clear that Crossfit is a central part of my life. I have shared my journey with this intense fitness program, discussing both the benefits and challenges it brings. Recently, I made the decision to stop taking medication. This choice is intended to help me better understand where I stand in my menopause journey. The experience has been eye-opening, revealing how my body responds without the influence of medication.

In addition to this, I have been closely monitoring my health through routine medical check-ups. During my last three appointments, I received concerning news about my blood pressure. Each reading indicated higher than normal levels, which has prompted further discussions with my doctor about my overall health. This combination of factors is creating a unique and sometimes difficult intersection in my life. I am navigating the challenges of menopause while also dealing with fluctuating blood pressure. This situation requires me to stay informed and proactive about my health as I continue my Crossfit journey.

In Tired and Weary, I wrote about how tired I've been.  This week, I have not felt great but muddled through. At Wednesday Crossfit, I totally tanked during a benchmark workout called "Jackie."  It is the third time I've done this workout and the worst I've felt during and after.  I woke up Thursday feeling like I'd been run over by a bus so I took a sick day from work. I've spent the day mostly reading as well as taking a nap.  I am feeling better as I write this.

In my post Change of Life or Life Changes - it is Change Regardless I talk more about my menopause journey.  It is highly likely that the reduced estrogen is making it difficult to recover from workouts.

In October, I began training for Chad1000x which I wrote about in Chad1000x a hard workout with a strong message. On Tuesdays, I have been doing the prescribed extra credit posted by our gym. This last Tuesday was a lighter session where I only did three sets of 100 box steps up followed by 5:00 minutes on the Concept 2 bike at an easy pace.  The previous week had been 500 box step ups with 10# weighted vest. We'll be doing Chad1000x on Veteran's Day at our gym.  My plan is to do all 1000 step ups while wearing the 10# weighted vest.

In Salt and Worry, I wrote about the high blood pressure readings at recent medical appointments.  Do I have "white coat syndrome" where my blood pressure is high when I'm around a medical professional in a white coat.  Earlier this week, I took my blood pressure with the small unit we have at home and it wasn't as high as it was at the medical appointments but higher than the usual 110-120 number than I'd been accustomed to.  

Lately, I've found myself praying more than usual. The reason for this increase in prayer is the overwhelming fatigue I've been experiencing. It leaves me puzzled and uncertain. I wonder what might be causing this tiredness. It could be due to a variety of factors, including stress, lack of sleep, or even poor nutrition. There’s also a chance that it’s a combination of several elements working together. It's possible that there is an unknown factor contributing to how I feel.

After the conclusion of Chad1000x on Monday, I plan to focus on my wellbeing. I'm aware that I need to pay closer attention to what my body is telling me. This will mean prioritizing rest and recovery. I know that taking the time to recharge is essential for feeling better. I aim to listen to my body and respond to its needs. By doing so, I hope to regain my energy and overall vitality.


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Joyce Meyer's devotional Wake Up to the Word


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