Thyroid Problems? Could It Be Something Else?

After watching "Day in the Life" on YouTube with Sara Sigmondsdottir and her battle to overcome an autoimmune condition, I began reading, Medical Medium Thyroid Healing: The Truth behind Hashimoto's, Graves', Insomnia, Hypothyroidism, Thyroid Nodules & Epstein-Barr.  

I'm not even halfway through the book. Still, I've started making changes. These changes are based on what I've read so far. I'm also looking ahead to the sections on healing foods. Posts on Threads from Medical Medium are also a guide. Making my own green juices would be ideal. Sadly, I just don't have the time for that right now. I've found some good alternatives. Bolthouse Farm makes a tasty Immunity Blend. Simple Truth also offers some green juice options. I pour about 6 ounces into a small juice glass. I drink this green juice each morning. I'm trying to eat more fruits and vegetables, too. Pomegranate seeds are a great addition. I mix them into salads for a bit of sweetness. They also add flavor to ground turkey and rice dishes. I've also been snacking on dates. These are in addition to apples and bananas, my usual fruits. I was surprised recently when I checked my weight. I had lost 4 pounds! I don't focus too much on the scale. However, I do check my weight now and then.

I'm not forcing vegetables on my family. I simply offer a vegetable side with meals. I keep a large container of mixed greens and spinach in the fridge. I've been adding this to my meals, too. I recently made a chicken wrap. I used leftover chicken and a wheat tortilla. Then I stuffed it with the mixed greens. It was a simple and healthy meal.

The book is pretty interesting so far. Anthony William, the author, says many sicknesses are really from a thyroid virus. This virus, he believes, comes from Epstein-Barr. Doctors often blame other things. He thinks early perimenopause or menopause are often misdiagnosed. Women might be told they're starting menopause. But really, the Epstein-Barr virus could be the culprit. It attacks the thyroid, causing problems. These problems mimic menopause symptoms. So, women get the wrong treatment. They don't realize the real issue is a virus. This virus can cause fatigue and hormone issues. These issues are also linked to the thyroid.

I've written about my menopause diagnosis. Based on the fact that I've not had a period since my gynecologist took me off hormonal birth control is a good sign that this next phase of womanhood is accurate and that I have not been mis-diagnosed.  I will see my doctor later this week and I will explain what I've been doing as far as the green juice.  I've also been working to increase my protein as she recommended back in October.

I am just a blogger.  If you are experiencing any medical concerns, please reach out to your doctor or another medical professional. My post is sharing my experience as well as Sara's experience if you happen to watch the video that I linked to this post.


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"Day in the Life" on YouTube with Sara Sigmondsdottir

Book: Medical Medium Thyroid Healing: The Truth behind Hashimoto's, Graves', Insomnia, Hypothyroidism, Thyroid Nodules & Epstein-Barr

Threads from Medical Medium


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