Letting Go of Worry: A Guide to Trusting God
In my post Salt and Worry, I shared concerns related to high blood pressure readings that have occurred at recent medical appointments. As a result, I have been trying to reduce my salt intake in case the increase blood pressure is not related to "white coat syndrome" as one of my providers suggested.
Another source of anxiety and fear for me is driving. I wrote this in Faith Over Fear - Driving Edition and it is something that I work on every time I get behind the wheel. There is a tunnel of trees that I drive through when I go back and forth to Lewis Center on Sundays for my women's meeting. It's beautiful but scary because deer come out of the woods into the road. During my last drive, I prayed an extra "Jesus Take the Wheel" before going into the tunnel as I felt uneasy. A deer was taking a stroll across the road at the end of the tunnel. Obviously, I cautiously checked to see if there were any others before increasing my speed out of the tunnel. I also did something I wouldn't have normally done and that was drive with my tire pressure light on. The temperature has been up and down like a see-saw so I suspected that was what caused my light to come on. My husband checked my tires and topped off the air.
I have also written Pray About Everything! I am making prayer more of a habit because God wants to hear from me and help me with my concerns. I pray for God to be with me throughout my work day and even Crossfit class! I've prayed for God to be with my husband has he worked through some challenging projects. I prayed for my son during his college mid-term exams.
I need to release control and trust God's will for me. As a project manager, we don't like "unknown unknowns" so this has been tough for me. I will keep praying that God's Will be done in my life.
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