Winter Weather Heightens Worry, Anxiety and Driving Concerns

If you are a regular reader of my blog, you know that I battle with worry and anxiety.  I also have driving jitters when the weather is sunny and dry.  

Once you add snow and ice into the mix, my worry, anxiety and driving concerns go into overdrive.  As a child I was taught to fear the weather.  My birthday is in February and during a snowstorm, I threw a hissy fit about possibly not having a birthday cake.  My mom went out in the elements and bought everything to make sure I had a birthday cake.  Her mom, my late Grandma Irene, called to wish me a "Happy Birthday" but she also gave me a stern talking to for making my mom feel guilty and going out to into the bad weather.  

Our family's response was to stay home during bad weather except for my dad who was the family breadwinner and often was called into work early to care for the boiler and to care for the sidewalks as part of his maintenance man role. 

As I'm writing this, we are in the midst of a winter storm. The county that I live in is under a Level 2 snow emergency which means you really shouldn't go out unless you have to.  I'm not sure how much snow other than if I'd worn my ankle boots when I went out with the snow blower, I would have had snow in my boots.  I am have grateful to be working remotely today.  I put in a request to work remotely tomorrow as I suspect additional time will be needed to clear up the roads.

I had a friend poke fun at a recent post on Instagram of my pre-storm grocery haul.  She thought it was funny that I bought so much food for 2 inches of snow.  We definitely have gotten over 2 inches of snow plus none of the food that I bought will go to waste I have four adults living in my house right now.  My next shopping trip might be "produce only" since I stocked up before the snow storm we're in. 

Some might say that I have an unhealthy fear of winter weather. I won't agree or disagree.  I do not blame my parents for instilling a fear of winter weather either. I am working to lean on and trust in God but it's taking time to overcome my winter weather fears.


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