
Showing posts from November, 2024

How to Enjoy Solitude Without Feeling Lonely

My Personal Experience Loneliness consumed me and lead me to drink.  I could not stand being alone.  Now that I am sober, I do not feel loneliness. I've come to enjoy times of solitude when I am alone.  Of course, since we got our cat Patty back in June, I'm rarely alone as Patty often sits or lays with me if I'm reading or watching TV.  She sometimes feels it necessary to follow me to the bathroom.   Alone time has a unique charm that many people overlook. This special period allows for reflection, creativity, and a deeper connection with oneself. Understanding the allure of alone time can lead to greater peace and stronger mental health. In this post, we will explore the benefits of spending time alone, ways to enjoy solitude, and tips for making the most of these moments. The Allure of Alone Time: Why We Seek Solitude Creativity Boost : Artists and writers often find inspiration in solitude, where distractions fade away. Self-Discovery : Being alone ca...

Thanksgiving Day 2024 - A Prayer for You

I want to wish my blog readers a Happy and Safe Thanksgiving.  I also found a beautiful prayer and article to share with you. " Accept, O Lord, our thanks and praise for all that you have done for us. We thank you for the splendor of the whole creation, for the beauty of this world, for the wonder of life, and for the mystery of love. We thank you for the blessing of family and friends, and for the loving care which surrounds us on every side. We thank you for setting us at tasks which demand our best efforts, and for leading us to accomplishments which satisfy and delight us. We thank you also for those disappointments and failures that lead us to acknowledge our dependence on you alone. Above all, we thank you for your Son Jesus Christ; for the truth of his Word and the example of his life; for his steadfast obedience, by which he overcame temptation; for his dying, through which he overcame death; and for his rising to life again, in which we are raised to the life of your king...

Finding Refuge in God: A Fortress Against Life's Storms

Facing tough times can feel overwhelming. Imagine standing in the middle of a storm, rain pouring down, with no shelter in sight. We all experience moments like this in life—when challenges seem insurmountable, and the weight of worry drags us down. Thankfully, the concept of God as a fortress and refuge offers us hope and safety during these turbulent times. God is a source of unwavering strength and security, guiding us through life’s ups and downs. God's Promises as a Foundation of Strength Biblical Verses on God as a Refuge and Shield The Bible presents many promises that highlight God's protective nature. For example: Psalm 46:1 states, "God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble." Proverbs 18:10 assures us, "The name of the Lord is a strong tower; the righteous run into it and are safe." These verses remind us that we can find safety in God's presence, much like finding shelter in a sturdy fortress.  Historical Examp...

How to Create a Daily Habit of Talking to God

This post was inspired by the daily devotional that I'm reading by Joyce Meyer, "Wake Up to the Word."  The topic was "invited" and the devotion talked about how God wants us to come as we are.  He already knows our sins, needs, and behaviors so we don't need to cover them up.  How do we invite God into our lives?  I've linked to an article by Gene Whitehead in the resources section where he gives us steps to follow.  I'm going to summarize so feel free to read the linked article for more detail. 1.  Surrender - otherwise known as letting go. 2.  Your Bible - spend time in God's word. 3.  Fixing Your Mind - Pray, pray, and pray! Inviting God to be a part of your life sounds easy but it won't always be.  You might have a little one that interrupts your prayer time.  In my case, it's my cat Patty who sometimes interrupts my prayer and scripture study time.  However, don't be discouraged!  Pick back up where you left off. I also e...

Setting Up a Daily Routine for Quality Time with God

At the Crossfit gym, our coaches emphasize quality. A coach would rather see me use less weight or perform fewer reps so I can perform a quality movement such as a squat or a lunge. Quality, in this scenario, also helps reduce the risk of injury. In today’s busy world, finding quality time with God can feel overwhelming. Yet, this time is essential for spiritual growth and peace. Prioritizing moments of prayer, reflection, and study can deepen your relationship with God. This post will explore simple ways to incorporate quality time with God into your daily routine, ensuring you connect meaningfully and strengthen your faith. When it comes to studying scripture, God would rather you give him 10 quality minutes of focused studying rather than one hour of rushed, unfocused time. The Bible doesn't dictate how much time a person should spend each day in study. I'm by no means perfect but God's word helps me to increase my faith and grow my relationship with God.  It has helped ...

Self-Care vs. Slacking: How to Tell the Difference

Understanding the fine line between self-care and slacking off can be challenging. Many of us seek those moments of rest, often dressing them up as self-care. Yet, when does relaxation cross into procrastination?   The Allure of "Me Time" "Me time" sounds appealing. It promises a break from responsibilities. However, too much time spent lounging might not be what you truly need. Taking a step back can be refreshing, but it should never become a way to avoid necessary tasks. The Guilt Trip: When Relaxation Feels Wrong Sometimes, indulging in relaxation brings guilt. You might think, "I should be doing something productive." This guilt can cloud your judgment. Recognizing when it's okay to unwind is essential for mental and emotional health. Defining the Difference: Setting the Stage Knowing the difference between self-care and slacking off is crucial. Self-care rejuvenates you, while slacking off leads to feelings of being stuck. Understanding these c...

How to Find Time for Scripture Study and Blogging

I'm writing this post while sitting at The Ohio State University Medical Center in Dublin.  My husband is having his first colonoscopy and I had blood drawn for tests ordered by my gynecologist.  The beauty of Blogging is that you can do it anywhere.  I am working from my tablet at a table near the Bistro OH with a cup of coffee. When I started my blog, I did not have a plan which is crazy given that I'm a certified project manager.  I simply started writing and posting. After a few posts, I decided my niche would be writing posts that include scripture. I've been studying scripture for a while using the YouVersion Bible app.  I start my day with prayer and scripture.  Writing this blog has given me more opportunity to dive into scripture. My regular readers know that I am a fan of Joyce Meyer. If I'm not reading one of her books, I'm listening to one of her podcasts in my car during one of my longer commutes.  Sometimes, a blog topic comes from someth...

Why Acceptance Is the Key to Inner Peace

Acceptance refers to the act of recognizing and agreeing to a situation, idea, or set of circumstances, even if they are not ideal. It involves acknowledging reality without trying to change it, which can lead to personal peace and growth. Acceptance can apply to various aspects of life, such as emotions, experiences, or relationships. It is often seen as a crucial step in coping with challenges and moving forward, allowing individuals to focus on what they can control rather than what they cannot. Embracing acceptance can foster resilience and a more positive outlook on life. Acceptance can feel like a heavy word.  Be kind to yourself. Treat mistakes as opportunities for learning. This mindset helps diminish negative self-talk. Acceptance often comes with feelings of giving in or giving up. Yet, acceptance isn't about weakness; it's about recognizing our reality and choosing to move forward. This guide will explore the layers of acceptance, its impact on personal relationships...

Why Treating Your Body Like a Temple Matters

  I thought of this topic as my husband and I both have medical appointments this week.  It is Jon's first colonoscopy; the joys of entering into the 50s. 😊  My gynecologist ordered bloodwork after I contacted her last week to update her on the first month of my menopause journey.  We will see what the bloodwork says about my lethargy, reduced endurance, itchy ears, and apron belly.  The term "apron belly" was coined because women used to wear aprons that would cover their belly below the waist.   My body is a temple of the Holy Spirit?  What on Earth does that mean?  I did some research to help me understand the concept. Jesus died for our sins and with his death,  we waive the right to give our bodies to sin such as drunkenness, sexual immorality or other fleshly temptations.  His blood made us clean and we should live clean and pure as we have God's Spirit within us. In the resources section, I'll link to the article from Crossw...

How to Stop Overthinking Every Decision You Make

I'm combining two topics that I read about in Joyce Meyer's "Wake Up to the Word" devotional.  They are stretched and forethought.   Stretched means "Extended; exerted to the utmost" while forethought is "A thinking beforehand; anticipation; prescience, premeditation." You can feel stretched when taking on something new like a new job or a new role with your employer. The employer obviously felt you have the skills needed to hire you.  However, on your first day, you might feel overwhelmed and leave the situation feeling like you can't do it.  God will never lead you to something without being there to support you.  A friend on mine often says "God doesn't call the qualified, he qualifies the called." For me, I can feel stretched when I give too much forethought or overthink a situation. I cannot tell you how many times I overthink a workout before going to the gym.  I might need to look up weight totals and do some calculations b...

How to Let Go of Grudges and Find Peace

The story in italics is a fictional story written during the Plain City Writing Group meeting as part of a descriptive writing prompt exercise.  After reflecting on what I wrote, I realized it shows the power of compassion and forgiveness.  I sought out related scripture verses for our reflection. At the Der Dutchman last Thursday evening, there was an argument between two men. The men were arguing because there was only one maple Long John left in the case and each of them wanted that donut. Since it was evening, there would be no more maple Long Johns available until the next morning. The bakery was busy as is often when diners come in to purchase treats to take home to enjoy the next day. Two men arguing over a single donut tested the patience of the customers and staff in the bakery during this time. A customer who had made a bakery purchase was coming out of the gift shop and asked about the commotion. Someone told her about the men arguing over the last maple Long John. ...

How Can God Help You Through Depression?

What is Depression? According to the World Health Organization " Depressive disorder, or depression, is a common mental health condition that can happen to anyone. It is characterized by a low mood or loss of pleasure or interest in activities for long periods of time. This is different from regular mood changes and feelings about everyday life." I was diagnosed with depression when I was thirty-one, about a year after my son was born.  My moods were all over the place, I was constantly stressed, and I could fly off the handle at the slightest thing.  I was miserable and made other miserable.  I finally sought help from my doctor after two coworkers approached me. I was prescribed medication and I still take medication to this day. While doing research for this post, I found a great article from Faith in Recovery about scripture for depression.  I have linked to the article the resources at the bottom of this post. The article talks about how God responds to Elijah a...

Why Older Drivers Might Feel Anxious at Night

I think most of us find the time changes in the Spring and Fall confusing.  Which one gives the extra hour of sleep?  Oops, I was early or late for my meeting or church because I forgot about the time change.  Thankfully, our phones and other electronic devices update automatically.  I only have to update the clock on my stove, microwave, and my Jeep. As someone who struggles with driving in the dark, I have a different perspective on time changes.  It is fall right now and the sun is rising around 7 AM instead of closer to 8 AM.  This has made going into the Columbus office easier for me.  The downside is that it is dark by 6 PM. Aside from feeling like I want to go to bed after dinner, it is challenging if or when I want or need to do something in the evening. I was telling someone that I wish we could strike a happy medium when it comes to sunrise and sunset.  For me, it would be ideal if the sun rises at 7 AM and does not set until after 8:30 ...

The Power of Small Goals: How to Reach Your Dreams

To make the most of the rest of this year, start by setting clear, achievable goals. Break these goals down into smaller tasks you can tackle each week. Make a schedule to stay organized and prioritize what’s important. Take time to reflect on what has worked for you so far and what hasn’t. This helps you learn and adjust your approach. Don’t forget to celebrate your small wins along the way; it keeps you motivated. Finally, stay open to new opportunities that come your way; they could lead to unexpected growth and success. How do you plan to make the most of what remains in 2024?  What are your dreams as you prepare for 2025? God has called me to spend more time in his Word.  Spending more time in scripture compelled me to revisit a long-lost dream of writing. When I was little I used to write stories, almost fairy tales of sorts.  As I got older, my stories included boy crushes.  Notebook paper pages written in either pencil or erasable pen, are long gone but my de...

Simple Ways to Show Gratitude Every Day

Something that I learned early on in AA is to have an “Attitude to Gratitude.”  It took me a bit to understand this because I had to learn to practice gratitude first. Recognizing the good things in life, big or small, is a great way to reset your mind.  I suggest this article from 12 South Recovery that great information on how this impacts addiction recovery.  How can one practice gratitude?   The four steps below are from an article by the University of North Carolina that you can find here . Notice what you have in your life or has come into your life, no matter how small. Think about why you have received this gift, who played a role in making it possible and why they did so. Feel the positive emotions that come with receiving from others and connecting them to the real gift — the kindness, generosity or love that someone else has shown you. Then do something to express your appreciation. I encourage you to read the article in full as it goes into great d...

Finding Strength in Failure: Real-Life Examples

  Raise your hand if you ever failed. Since I cannot see you through my blog, I trust that you actually raised your hand or nodded in agreement.😀 Failure can feel overwhelming, but it often teaches valuable lessons. When we fail, we can see what doesn’t work and why. This insight helps us adjust our plans and try again. Many successful people faced setbacks before reaching their goals. Instead of letting failure define us, we can use it as a stepping stone to improve. Embracing failure helps us build resilience and understand that it's part of the journey toward success. Failure is defined as "An event that does not accomplish its intended purpose" according to Joyce Meyer's Wake Up to the Word . My son has been home for a long weekend.  I felt compelled to cook for my 21-year-old "baby boy."  Yes, I'm excited to have him here and I wanted to show my love by cooking although I'm not the best at it. For Saturday night's dinner, I made mini meatlo...

God's Promise in Romans 8:28 - What It Means for You

If you truly love God, He will respond by working in your life according to His purpose for you. This means that when you remain faithful and devoted, you align yourself with the calling that God has placed on your life. Your love for God opens the door to His guidance, support, and plans that are meant for you. On the other hand, those who do not embrace a love for God will find it difficult to recognize or receive this calling. Their lives may lack the direction and meaning that comes from a relationship with God. To be called means to be chosen for a specific role or mission, and love for God is the key factor that determines whether you are included in that divine calling. In essence, loving God creates a path for His wishes to unfold in your life, while a lack of love closes that door. I needed some help unpacking this verse so I sought out resources such as the article What Does Romans 8:28 Mean? by Christ Church. Even in our pain, God is always working within us, even if it fee...

How to Honor Veterans on Special Days

Please remember that the freedom we enjoy as Americans is not free.   Veterans have served their country in the military, facing challenges and sacrifices that many may never fully understand. They possess unique skills and experiences gained through rigorous training and real-life situations. After their service, many veterans transition to civilian life, bringing valuable leadership, discipline, and teamwork abilities. However, they often face obstacles like finding jobs, accessing healthcare, and adjusting to a new lifestyle. Supporting veterans is crucial, as they deserve respect and resources to help them thrive after their commitment to protecting our freedoms.  Crossfit gyms around the United States honor those who served with Hero Workouts.  These workouts are written to honor a person or group who lost their lives in service to their country. Our gym does Chad 1000x on Veteran's Day to honor Chad Wilkson and to bring awareness to Veteran Suicide.  This ...

Strive to Lead a Content, Humble, and Shameless Life

  Content means to be satisfied.  As human beings, are we really ever satisfied with what we have and/or who we are? I know I can become discontent when I compare myself to others occasionally with a side dish of envy.  Yikes!!  The very place I go to work out stress can sometimes be the source of my discontent and that is the GYM!  I am not blaming the gym or any of my gym friends - this is ALL on me. Our gym uses Wodify for class reservations and workout tracking.  After we complete a Crossfit class, we're encouraged to enter our stats into Wodify.  This is especially helpful when it comes to retest benchmarks.  You can read how I tanked on my latest retest of Jackie in this post . When we do weightlifting cycles, we can look back at our stats so we know how much we should lift at the next class. I work in tech. Most days I look at stats. The stats show blocked bad guys on our web app. I love stats. My Crossfit stats are great, until I compare m...

Finding Strength: How to Pray When You're Tired

In the devotional f rom Joyce Meyer's devotional  Wake Up to the Word  for November 7th, Joyce encourages us to spend time with God in prayer.  Take a few minutes, find a quite space and talk with God.  Do not keep the stress, heartache....whatever it is that you are feeling to yourself.  God wants you to talk to Him so that he can help you. For those who regularly read my blog, it is clear that Crossfit is a central part of my life. I have shared my journey with this intense fitness program, discussing both the benefits and challenges it brings. Recently, I made the decision to stop taking medication. This choice is intended to help me better understand where I stand in my menopause journey. The experience has been eye-opening, revealing how my body responds without the influence of medication. In addition to this, I have been closely monitoring my health through routine medical check-ups. During my last three appointments, I received concerning news about my ...